Our Online Training Courses
Sometimes online is the only practical way forward, whether its a financial, logistical or time management issue; there's no doubt online training has its place in our ever changing world. Although the majority of online training providers copy the same 'click next' format, we've believe we've found a much better approach.
Why Choose Us?
We're proud to be different! Instead of the tradiational disengaging 'click next' style of online training, our approach packs an interactive punch!
No more 'Click Next' style learning. Instead learn through our signature interactive webinar style online training.
Truly engage your staff to help them retain the information from each session.
All our courses have been carefully crafted by registered nurses with real hands on experience and knowledge.
Each course comes with a complimentary re-downloadable certificate and helpful resources.
Zero contracts, no minmium spend or annual sign ups.
No need to increase spending so more staff can be trained. Our courses are unlimited once purchased allowing you to train everyone you need to with hassle.
What We Offer
It's essential to ensure you're getting the most out of any training. We don't do the industry standard of limiting the amount of candidates you can training without paying for an increased cost. Our mission is supporting the industry to ensure training is affordable for all. This is why each of our training courses come as unlimited use and you can pay in different ways to ensure you're not wasting money.
Payment Options
To make payments simple, affordable and easy, we charge for each package per month. This means you can cancel at any time, theres no contracts or annual fees, just a simple direct debt allowing you to concentrate on your business, staff and customers. If you wish to only purchase one specific training course, your wish is our command! We've made it possible to purchase just one training session at a time if that suits your needs better.
Our Mandatory Healthcare Online Training Courses
Our Mandatory Healthcare Online Training Package includes the following training sessions:
Infection Control & COSHH (including COVID-19)
Manual Handling
Moving & Handling
Fire Awareness
Our Corporate Online Training Courses
Our Corporate Online Training Package includes the following training sessions:
Infection Control & COSHH (including COVID-19)
Manual Handling
Food Hygiene
Fire Awareness
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Sign Up Here!
If you would like to start using our online packages please complete the below form to sign up, create a direct debt payment and start training your staff!