What is Falls Prevention Training?
Falls prevention, does what it says on the tin; it helps prevent people using your services from falling. However, it does much more than this. This course helps your staff become more adept at risk assessing, thinking procedures through and becoming more risk aware.
Anyone can experience a fall, however certain medical condition often greatly increase the risk of falling. These include experiencing dementia, Parkinson's Disease, motor neurone disease and a stroke to mention but a few. Having a team who have a deep understanding of preventing falls can be valuable asset to your service.
What Are The Benefits of This Course, Falls Prevention Training?
There are plenty of benefits to undertaking this course, from your staff understanding how to prevent potential safeguarding incidents, unnecessary hospital admissions, permanent disability and the pain and upset that come with this for the people involved. A fall for someone elderly can often be life changing. Understanding how to prevent this from happening can be life saving.
Through undertaking this course, your staff will gain the knowledge to better protect the people using your service. They will also gain a better understanding of how people's medical conditions affect them, opening their eyes to what it's like living with that condition. This helps your staff become even more empathetic towards your service users.
Who’s It For?
Our course is perfect for cares, senior carers, nurses, clinical leads, deputy managers, home managers and even regional managers and care home owners. As with all out training, we tailor it to suit the needs of the people we are training. This means our session can be tailored for care staff or for home managers and everyone in between.
Why Choose Us
All of our courses include complimentary free certificates as well as handouts.
Training with the Leicestershire Training Team
Training is one of the most important aspects of anyone's working life, however it is commonly a source of boredom, resulting in a poor retainment of information. This is why we started thinking about training differently. For us, the training needs to be engaging as well as informative, so what you learn today, will be remembered tomorrow.
Training with us is a unique experience, with a potent mixture of fun, interactivity, real life experience and expert advice. We only use trained professionals, such as our nurse trainers, to deliver our training. This way you are taught by someone with real hands on experience.
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